On 26 November 2010, the status of alert and made Bromo erupted at 17:40 local time. The eruption of Indonesia is the center of attention after Merapi erupted in yogyakarta. With vomit material eruption of sand and dust with a radius as far as 6 to 10 kilometers. However, this earthquake generated by the observer is still safe for residents.
Towards the end of the year, Merapi, Indonesia became the center of attention. On October 26, 2010, issue Merapi eruption accompanied by hot clouds. This hot cloud then killed 43 people, a journalist, toddlers, and caretaker of Merapi, Mbah Maridjan died hit by hot clouds. Foreign media called villages covered Merapi ash as Pompeii modern era. At 4 to 5 November 2010, several eruptions occurred again. Figures of deaths also rose to 135, while the number of refugees has almost reached 290 thousand people. Merapi eruption this time to predict three times larger than the eruption of Merapi in 2006. Volcanic ash from Merapi had reached Bandung, Tasikmalaya, Ciamis, and caused some foreign airlines to cancel flights to Jakarta.
Earthquake and tsunami followed in the Mentawai Islands, on October 25, 2010. The earthquake and tsunami that spends about hundreds of lives this is really devastating attention to Indonesia after the country's largest tsunami disaster in Aceh, North Sumatra, 2004.
On October 4, 2010, Floods in Wasior, West Papua that occurred as a result of illegal deforestation. Environmental issues into the conversation for government officials as well, especially the people of Indonesia, how to overcome the causes that had long occurred. One cause is the division of territory and illegal logging. Government deemed to have been hiding the facts about licensing the use of timber in West Papua.
Highlands Sinabung in Karo, North Sumatra, had twice issued a blast in September 2010. Active Sinabung causing 12 thousand people around the mountain refuge. In late August, Sinabung activity begins with the emergence of smoke and volcanic ash. Eruption Sinabung become a separate panic because this is the first time the mountain erupted after 400 years 'sleep' so that the pattern of eruptions can not be read. Dust from the eruption could cover Sinabung Medan.
One of the issues that create excitement in 2010, is a solar storm. Lead researcher astronomy and astrophysics at the Institute of Aviation and Space Agency (Lapan) Thomas Djamaluddin said that solar storms are common events with the annual cycle of eleven. Recurrence occurred in 2012-2013 later because there is a shift cycle. Hurricanes occur in active regions around sunspots, so that this cycle is marked by the emergence of many sunspots, which indicate the occurrence of turbulence on the surface of the object. What makes the solar storm sounds awful is because of an issue that links between these events and the apocalypse in 2012.
The film '2012 'central theme that takes great disaster to make people bring up the speculation about the doomsday. From start to match and match with the events of solar storms, tsunamis sun, eclipse, until the earthquake, made a sign to read the possibility of doomsday predictions. The beginning of anxiety is a prophecy of the Mayan tribe. Mayan calendar ending on December 21, 2012. Score is then appointed as a starting point in the Hollywood movie Roland Emmerich's work and will have soured the various doomsday theories. You believe?
In January 2010, a solar eclipse occurs and the ring can be seen in some areas in Indonesia. This solar eclipse is considered unique because it lasts longest in this millennium. Eclipse of the sun with a similar duration of the new will happen 1033 years later. Indonesian territory that could see the solar eclipse of this ring is Sumatra, West Java, Central Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and parts.
Porong Highway in the Village Siring, Porong district, is the link between Surabaya and Malang and Pasuruan. This road became known as affected by the Lapindo mudflow in Sidoarjo, East Java. In March and April 2010, this road was under water after heavy rains, making it difficult for vehicles that pass through and cause congestion along the 3 km. In addition because of stagnant water, Team Feasibility Study of Settlements (TKKP) found also that the soil around the area affected by the hot mud, so buckle up to 60 cm. Highway Porong also briefly hit a new mud, water and gas mixture of materials. New Shot of Lapindo mudflow is also threatening railroad lines.
Chikungunya epidemic coloring disaster coverage throughout 2010. One of the triggers of this news is the increase in the number of people with chikungunya in the district Way Kanan, Lampung, from January to October 2010 has reached 3370 people. In previous years, the number of people with chikungunya reach 2349 persons. Chikungunya detected also attacked five villages in the district Bayah, Lebak District, in January 2010. The disease attacks the 163 people so that the local health center mark it as a remarkable event. In May 2010, chikungunya was also detected in Garut, West Java. In September 2010, dozens of residents Purwosari Village, District Patebon, Kendal district, Central Java had also affected by chikungunya.
Four years have Lapindo mud spraying, concrete solution of the problem has not emerged. In fact, a new blast of mud continues to happen, last recorded in April 2010, thus inundating Highway Porong and cause congestion. Porong Highway was ambles up to 60 cm. Sidoarjo Parliament also has formed a special committee to bridge the interests Lumpur Sidoarjo mudflow victims. One problem still outstanding is the payment installment buying and selling land and assets belonging to residents, as well as payment of sale and purchase of land which had been halted several months because of financial problems experienced by PT Lapindo Jaya Minarak. Recent news reports that Lapindo mud retaining embankments reinforced to withstand flood before the coming rainy season, shows how vulnerable this area when the season berubah.10 ago, dozens of residents Purwosari Village, District Patebon, Kendal district, Central Java had also affected by chikungunya.