There are other characters besides Suharto
Cabinet Secretary Dipo Alam asserted, is not true if only former President, the late H. Muhammad Soeharto, which will be proposed by the government becomes a National Hero. In addition to HM Soeharto, there are nine others who will be proposed by the Ministry of Social Services to the Council and Honor to be processed first and only set by the President. Incidentally Services Council Secretary and Honorary Secretary of the Military Presiden.
Thus submitted by Dipo Alam told Kompas, Sunday (17/10) in Jakarta this morning. 'So, not true if you are willing to be appointed a National Hero was just Pak Harto. There are nine others who proposed to the Board of the Ministry of Social Services and Honor, "said Dipo, a former student activist in the 70s itu.
By Dipo, of nine men, besides Suharto there any big cleric Abdurrahman Wahid, known as Gus Dur, the former Jakarta Governor Ali Sadikin, J Leimena and others. 'The community proposed to the Ministry of Social Affairs there are 18 people, but the selected 10 people. Yes, among Sir Harto, Bang Ali, Wahid and Leimena it, 'said Dipo again.'
Let's think positive. So, the government will proceed on the basis of proposals from the community with consideration of the services that have been given for life, such as Gus Dur's religious leaders, former President Soeharto, Leimena local leaders, former Governor of DKI Bang Ali and others, 'he said. Dipo suspect information mentioned that only HM Suharto, who shall be appointed by the government becomes a National Hero is an effort to spread dislike for students and other elements to the government so that they would participate in demonstrations to topple the government on 20 October.