Tuesday, September 21, 2021

The basis of the Indonesian state is...

This is the Declaration of Independence of the Indonesian Nation in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution.

photo : Detik.com - IPPHOS

The preamble to the 1945 Constitution covers several matters related to Indonesian independence. Starting from the reasons for independence, the struggle for independence, to the declaration of independence for the Indonesian people.

The 1945 Constitution is the first constitution of the Republic of Indonesia which was implemented after the Proclamation of Independence. The Proclamation of Independence and the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution are two interrelated things. The proclamation echoed on August 17, 1945 is a statement or announcement to the international world on the independence of the Indonesian nation.

In the text of the Proclamation there are two main things, namely the statement of Indonesia's independence and the things that must be carried out in relation to the declaration of independence, quoted from Module 8: Meaning of the Constitution compiled by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek).

The declaration of independence for the Indonesian people is contained in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution in the third paragraph. The statement reads "By the grace of Allah the Almighty and with the encouragement of a noble desire, to live a free national life, the Indonesian people hereby declare their independence."

Before declaring independence as stated in the third paragraph, the Indonesian people also explained the reasons and struggles for achieving independence. The reasons for independence are listed in the first paragraph which explains that independence is the right of all nations. For that, colonialism must be abolished.

The following reads the first paragraph: "Indeed, independence is the right of all nations and because of that, colonialism in the world must be abolished, because it is not in accordance with humanity and justice."

Then, after explaining the basis or reasons for independence, the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution also contains the struggle of the Indonesian people to achieve independence as stated in the second paragraph.

The following is the second paragraph: "And the struggle for the Indonesian independence movement has come to a happy moment and safely delivered the people of Indonesia to the front gate of the independence of the State of Indonesia, which is independent, united, sovereign, just and prosperous."

Meanwhile, in the fourth paragraph, the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution contains the basics of the state and the purpose of the establishment of the state. The basis of the Indonesian state is Pancasila.

Sounds of the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution

The preamble to the 1945 Constitution is permanent, namely as the fundamental principle of the state of the Republic of Indonesia. The preamble cannot be changed and replaced by anyone including the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) from the results of the general election.

The main idea contained in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution is essentially Pancasila which is then described in the articles or body of the 1945 Constitution. The following reads the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution:



( P r e a m b u l e )

That in fact Independence is the right of all nations and because of that, colonialism in the world must be abolished, because it is not in accordance with humanity and justice.

And the struggle for the Indonesian independence movement has come to a happy moment and safely and forever bringing the Indonesian people to the front gate of the independence of the Indonesian State, which is independent, united, sovereign, just and prosperous.

By the grace of Allah the Almighty and motivated by a noble desire to live a free national life, the Indonesian people hereby declare their independence.

Then from that to form a Government of the State of Indonesia that protects the entire Indonesian nation and the entire homeland of Indonesia and to promote public welfare, educate the nation's life, and participate in carrying out world order based on independence, eternal peace and social justice, the Indonesian National Independence was drawn up. in a Constitution of the State of Indonesia, which is formed in an arrangement of the Republic of Indonesia which is sovereign by the people based on One Godhead, just and civilized Humanity, Indonesian Unity and Democracy led by wisdom in Deliberation/Representation, as well as by realize a social justice for all Indonesian people.


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